Friday, February 26, 2010

Kathy on SVU

My heart is racing after two viewings of Kathy Griffin's clip on the 3/3 Law & Order: SVU. Kathy gets to enjoy a lesbian kiss with Mariska Hargitay. It's every girl's dream come true and Kathy now has something better than two Emmys. Yes, Dish would swim the Atlantic Ocean and walk a tightrope between the Waldorf and Chrysler buildings for such an opportunity (as long as it doesn't jeopardize my relationship with TG). It's Mariska, for goodness sakes, who is a direct descendant of the Cosmic Goddess.


Anonymous said...

Mariska is so beautiful that inspires passions in men and women.

Dish said...

It's so true. Kathy has been blessed by Mariska.

John Haracopos said...

Kathy Griffin Is Untalented & Gross! She's A Pile Of Caca That Needs To Be Flushed Away...