Friday, April 08, 2011

Very Fast Post

Dish is in Orlando, fast on the heels of Duran Duran. I have to put their current tour out of my mind.

Do you think Donald Trump has a chance in hell if he runs on the GOP ticket?
Where did Orlando Bloom's career go?
I was disappointed by the boring-ness of last night's Real Housewives of New York City. Not surprised though. We've seen them all be awful. I might have to watch again to make sure it was bad.
Caught an hour of The Switch--not as bad as The Bounty Hunter. Jennifer Aniston and Justin Bateman are kind of sweet together.

Great strides:
Dish actually worked during a plane ride. For at least 90 minutes. I only squeezed TG's hand in a death grip upon landing. The flight was okay, though we were flying in a garbage can, and the attendants never gave us our promised cookies. Is this typical for Delta?

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