Wednesday, April 25, 2012

She's My Hero!

Ryan Seacrest caused a stir by possibly not hosting American Idol due to stomach flu. But now she's my role model because she did the show and now I will too even if I can't breathe due to flowering juniper in the air which turns me into the Scratchy Queen of the Watering Eyes.

In other news, Barack is being groovy with Jimmy Fallon: Barack's a little stiff, but Jimmy and the Roots have it going on.

I'm eager to know what Hershey thought of last night's Glee. Kurt definitely took several stupid pills but let's hope it resulted in lots of spontaneous makeout sessions.

The John Edwards trial seems to be revealing the ick of this man. What could he possibly do except get sh*ttier haircuts to show he's not such an elitist douche.

Happier: Katherine Heigl and Josh adopted again.
Happier still: Jason Trawick is now her Britney Spears's conservator. I want a conservator. I'm tired of writing checks and ordering takeout--I mean, cooking hot meals for my man. Can't someone hire someone to do all this for me? Jason and Papa Spears, your services are needed here. Britney and I would totally get along.


HersheyKiss said...

Since you asked .. I was so concerned about Blaine and offered my services time and again to comfort him. Kurt was a poo-poo head with the guacale boy, but it all worked out. EXCEPT that I never did get to comfort poor Darren!

Dish said...

I sort of felt that the makeup sex was probably worth texting the geeky boy. But please, who would pick that geek over the god that is Darren Criss?

Dish said...

And by geek, I mean that he seemed about 12 and very nerdlike. Geek is not a bad word. It's just not what Darren is, which is god.

HersheyKiss said...

Kurt should be thanking his lucky stars every hour on the hour that such a god is even remotely interested in him. Kurt is not exactly arm candy, but Darren certainly is!