Sunday, January 18, 2009

Abe-y Baby: Celebrity #1

Obama has a huge man-crush on Abraham Lincoln, so much so I could see them accidentally kissing after football practice (maybe I have watched too much QAF). Around election day, BO was reading a Lincoln biography. Then he was nabbed visiting the Lincoln Memorial a few weeks ago. The Post published Obama's inaugural feast, which resembles Abe's simple fare. Obama totally has mentionitis about Abe in interviews lately and he just gave a short speech at the Lincoln Memorial (short, just like the Gettysburg Address???). We get it, you're in LOVE, Mr. President, and you're scouring the tabloids for any little Lincoln tidbit you can find. But you won't find Abe emerging topless from the Pacific Ocean!

Dish was so into Abe at age 9, read a million biographies, stared longingly at his mole and strange facial hair. I memorized speeches and pretended he could see me from his log cabin in the sky. I visited Abe's Mem last year and felt his hot spirit coursing through me. When ExBF16 snapped a photo of me, I was pale with love. I understand the fascination completely. These days I'm a Benjamin Franklin girl, but I blame Tom Wilkinson for this.

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