Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two Simons and a Paul

The Mentalist disappointed me last night. To be a mentalist, you just need to smirk a lot, gaze knowingly at people, and tell them they're lying. At least, that's what Simon Baker did on the show. As usual, the witch character was made out to be so crazy as to be funny. Simon laughed at her...and smirked. The good thing: I've decided to add a new title to my name:

Dish Smith, MA in French Literature, Ph.D in Celebritology, and Mentalist

I had to switch back to American Idol, where Simon Cowell voiced my exact opinions on the candidates. He rolled his eyes, made fun of everyone, and got down to business. Would that everyone were so rash.

In other news and confessions: Paul McCartney secretly makes Dish brighten up on the inside. His music of the last thirty-ish years has added joy to my skipping heart. I like watching him sparkle (even though he's a card-carrying OMP) and flirt innocently with the babes on The View. Looking forward to his new CD.

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