Friday, January 09, 2009

Running Behind!

Dish is frantic! The Golden Globes are this weekend and I had it marked down as the Sag Awards. As if! Speaking of Sag Awards and Oprah/universal fatness, Dish is noticing the emergence of batwings under her arms. I've had old lady hands since I'm 14. This all just means I'll make more noise when I clap over lame "Oh my God!" acceptance speeches. I love the Golden Globes because everyone is either drunk or high when they go up on stage. Live it up, I say!

A special Golden Globe for Superman whose birthday is today. Last night we watched There's Something About Mary (nothing with subtitles, of course). Love that flick, especially when after Ben realizes he's going to the prom with Cameron Diaz, he smiles and flashes a mouth full of metal.

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