Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Rainy Day Sunshine

I popped in Hotel Rwanda--you know, that light romantic comedy starring Don Cheadle. As I got into it I realized: this is so not a romantic comedy about a feisty journalist who gets seduced by a quirky yet dashing hotel manager. Hotels are sexy, fun, where anything can happen as long as the bed is made and you accidentally give a room key to two people (oh wait, that's Ready to Wear!). In hotels, you could meet a handsome politician and even though you're the Puerto Rican maid, he'll fall in love with you (oops, Maid in Manhattan). No, Hotel Rwanda is about freaking genocide! Violence, chaos, families in ruin when evil rebels go on a killing spree. Nice and honorable Don Cheadle tries to save everyone. It's kinda like a black Schindler's List but less sentimental (this is how I could get death threats from Spielbergcandonowrong-aholics). Overall, I liked the flick, learned about an area beyond Chelsea and I appreciate Don beyond his singing talent in Jimmy Kimmel's "I'm f*cking Ben Affleck" music video. Well, Don is always good. Bottom line: if you want sex, romance, lightness, don't rent Hotel Rwanda! If you long to feel plugged into vital parts of global history and ache for Oscar-calibre performances, do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to see this one again. Loved it -- as much as one loves a movie about genocide.