Friday, January 30, 2009

Are You There, God? It's Me, Backdraft.

I'm not sure what strange synapses fired to come up with this crazy title. Maybe it's the prebuscent hormones (okay, I was in my twenties when this flick came out) combined with the testosterone in Backdraft. You don't even notice Jennifer Jason Crazy or Rebecca DeMornay except as Beaten Down Love Interests of the stud lineup:

1. Russell
2. Baldwin
3. De Niro
4. Sutherland
5. Gedrick
6. with Richie Cunningham directing

Dish is weak. The men run into buildings for babies, they shake hoses everywhere, douse themselves in water, drink and vomit when things get rough, throw punches at the competition, threaten to burn things, and yell because they really love each other like brothers. Suffice it to say, I blew off Jonathan Rhys Meyers's stinkfest at Macy's. This is not much better but that's what Superman gets for leaving me home alone on a Friday night (with scotch).

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