Saturday, May 08, 2010

Are You Ready for Betty White?

She'll probably bring amazing ratings to the long-stinkifying Saturday Night Live. It's been unwatchable this season, though the worst episode was when no-sense-of-humor Lance Armstrong hosted. I feel partially responsible for Betty's hosting (she's joined by a flock of females just in case she falls over) since I joined that Facebook group to get her on the show.

In other news, Bethenny Frankel and her husband had a baby girl today, Bryn Hoppy, 4 lbs and healthy. Many celebrity newborns weigh in at under 5 lbs and I couldn't be prouder. One must start the undereating early, especially if a girl.

Dish just finished the fabulously trashy The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown. I remember so vividly where I was when Diana died. TG and I discussed celebrity deaths that affected us. He almost shed tears over Anna Nicole's demise but was revived by the fact that Larry Birkhead seemed to be a good dad to their love child. DishBrother was upset when JFK, jr. died since he'd seen him at a party and almost fainted from his gorgeousness. Which celebrity death messed you up?

1 comment:

HersheyKiss said...

Betty White rocks. Hands down.