Saturday, May 15, 2010

Total Lethargy

Dish is drowning in work and, sadly, it's difficult to get anything done when exhausted. It may be spring fever. Does this stop me from thinking about the stars? Never. As I floated between work and REM, I made a mental list of my favorite lies from celebrities:

1. "I was such a geek in high school."
2. "It's just diet and exercise."
3. "I'm out here supporting this important cause."
4. "I've had no work done."
5. "With [insert spouse's name], it was easy to give up my wild lifestyle."
6. "As usual, the tabloids are fabricating lies about me."
7. "I was in the hospital for exhaustion."
8. "It was a bad reaction to antihihystemines."
9. "Believe it or not, I've only slept with four men in my life."
10. "I want to set the record straight."

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