The In-Laws: Isn't it too freaky that Ryan Reynolds plays the groom in this one? I wasn't expecting that! Confused this one with the Dennis Farina/Bette Midler movier where the parents f*ck up the wedding (hoping this doesn't happen--surely not from DM who is angelic). Oh well, mayhem creates excitement so let the craziness begin! As a rule, Dish loves Albert Brooks and Michael Douglas, mostly the latter in comedy. Douglas plays a deep cover CIA agent who ropes in Brooks on a mission. It's a bit of a one-note wonder with Douglas and Brooks grappling. Amusing but I didn't learn anything.
DearDish, Would You Like To Learn Something??? Rent The Original "In-Laws"! You still might not learn anything about how to marry but you will learn how to laugh your ass off at a truly funny film & You will learn that great films should never be remade but rereleased!
Viewing the Midler/Farina film "That Old Feeling" will teach you that Dennis Farina should NEVER be on film and Bette Midler as funny as she is, should only be in serious dramas!
JJ is a genius!
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