Desperate Housewives: Reaching too hard for excitement and going places Dish doesn't want to revisit (aka Kyle McLaughlin, the woman who chopped her fingers, Susan's husband). Why not bring Gale Harold back??? Sure, his character wasn't revolutionary but maybe he could whisk Teri Hatcher (without actually touching her) to Canada? Maybe Gale and Brian Austin Green could paint one of Bree's rooms...and they could accidentally kiss on top of the stepladder, fall to the floor and roll around in the paint.
Brothers & Sisters: I knew Sally would dump the uptight shrink who is picky about how the toilet paper roll goes into the dispenser. As for Kitty, well, we've all slummed and it's sad she's realizing this fact. Who could top Rob Lowe? I say, bring in Andrew McCarthy or John Stamos. The gay dads at the adoption fair, probably the most heartwarming part of the show and I loved how the little girl picks them. Wonder, though, if we can expect her to turn into a manipulative little wench like the excellent Juanita on Desperate Housewives.
Rest in peace, Pete Postlethwaite, an excellent actor, who passed away.
It saddens my heart to report that SideKick and I determined that we'd live full and productive lives if we never saw another episode of the Nora Walker Show. What's so sad is that there's nothing really going on .. no plot line to hold it all together. Each of the characters is wrapped up in him/herself, for no good reason. Kitty's getting boinked by an adult .. and that goes viral on the internet?!? I'm sick of Kevin's whining. By the way, what does he do these days? Holly's lack of memory ... sheesh, it's just so silly, and I want so badly to love the Walkers again.
You're right, Hershey. And they previewed that Holly and Nora will live together next week. The only thing that could add excitement is if they went lez.
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