Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pride Brides!

Dish was home nursing a sinus infection so didn't get to see Pride but I imagine there were tons of wedding dresses, which must have been magnificent. Speaking of married, I'm overjoyed at the news that Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz had this super-sexy covert marriage. Imagine James Bond (Dish's favorite Bond ever--screw the one EVERYONE thinks is the best, I'm sticking with DC!) and that ballsy chick from The Constant Gardener, in which she was awesome, 2gether 4ever. I love it when attractive people officially seal their love.

Catching up on The C Word and it's metastisized in Dish. I really love it. I adore that Cynthia Nixon and Liam Neeson made cameos! Made me think of the connection between Linney and Liam--aha, Kinsey and Love Actually--and now fantasize that they are close friends who discuss acting together...Dish has her own Celebrity Farmville. Now there's an idea...

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