Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eating Roast Beef and Watching Fat Actress

In honor of Kirstie Alley's lack of thinness, I prepared a roast beef sandwich with extra mayo, (and a Godiva bar) and settled down to watch Fat Actress. I loved me some Cheers back when I was 5 and spending serious time in bars, but all this girl does is shriek, whine about fatness and employee Scientologists. Dish will watch tons of BAD, BAD stuff, but even I can't get the second disk. My intelligence has been insulted, even more than with Steven Seagal's Today You Die. It made me wonder (in Sex and the City style): Does Kirstie Alley think we obsess about her fat? I kinda don't care. Just make the shrieking stop!

One amazing point from the show, guys can be heifers and celebrated in TV/films. It's a little sickening. But I will drown this thought in chocolate and lard.

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