Saturday, December 18, 2010

America on the Verge of Dumping DADT!

Thank you, Senate! Dish was on the treadmill, watching CNN when the news came. When you're fighting in Afghanistan, does anyone stop to gab about who's doinking who, same sex or opposite sex? Thank goodness, the government is starting to come to its senses on this issue.

There's a Twitter-spat between Neil Patrick Harris and some soap actor b/c soaper dissed an appearance on How I Met Your Mother. It's bitchy, it's a generation gap, it's even more evidence that good manners are fading fast. Thank you.

On to more important topics, like the fact that I'm porking out bigtime. So much fudge, baked goods, second dinners in front of me. Time for either a little anorexia and/or doubling workout regime. 29 days.

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