Saturday, December 11, 2010

Star Sighting--Evan Handler

10:26 am, Dish received a text from JJ that he'd just seen "Harry" from SATC at Eataly. "Was he bald and hot?" I asked. "Yeah, like a big cock," JJ answered. Where would we be without the musings of JJ?

In romance, Neve Campbell and Isaiah Mustafa are linked. Lucky girl to be dating this fellow who has made a commercial watchable:

Sad news: Son of Bernie Madoff, Mark, has died in an apparent suicide. So many lives ruined starting two years ago when BM was arrested and horrific crimes came to light. This is why I don't really invest.


John Haracopos said...

I'd also like to be clear by "big" I meant; He's taller then I thought he'd be...

Anonymous said...

How tall is JJ?

Dish said...

JJ is quite statuesque. I'd say he's 6'2 and devastatingly handsome (in league with Hugh Jackman).