Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Silly Putty Nose, Extra 50 Pounds -- Sign Me Up for Oscar!!!

Watch Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock in this new movie. Might be really good or really bad. I can't tell. I don't see Hitchcock, except for the belly in profile. By contrast, Daniel Day totally looks like (b)Abe Lincoln. I saw Daniel Day on the street a few months ago, so I may go see that goopy, sappy movie. Oh heck, I'll see Tony as Alfie too!

Hitchcock gave good twist in Psycho (and you thought you were the only one, M. Night!!!). Who can forget the steam between Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly in Rear Window? That one chilled and thrilled me. Get my tickets ready, Fandango!

We all know my stance on Lance. 11 of his former team member have now confirmed the doping charges against him. It's a moot point. I support the cancer survivor in Lance and hope everyone can move on. Maybe I can forgive his telling Dishfriend she has fat legs. No, I can't forgive! Dishfriend is one of the most ripped babes I know.

Here's what the new Jersey Boys looks like! Cannot wait to get some tickets. They are so freaking expensive. I'm not sure I should spend 600$ this year on JB. In the words of Rizzo as she's about to have unprotected sex with Kenickie: Oh, what the hell!

I'm breaking my ban on losers for one confession. I listened to the sleazy recording between La-Lohan and her despicable father--though now he might be sanest of the bunch since he was smart enough to record the conversation and sell to TMZ. Horrifying. I am sorry that this once-talented girl has to be surrounded by such maniacs. Now that she's an adult, it's on her to extract herself.

You can do it, Lindsay. You'll feel so much better not to be around a lunatic (that goes double if it's a parent). I know I do...

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