Thursday, April 23, 2009

I've Been Infected

I tried reading Twilight last summer but found it boring. Today, I watched the movie. It's beautifully shot but the dreadful acting gave me church giggles. The problem is: I can't stop thinking about the movie, the story. Yes, the vampire--a boy with greasy hair, seriously pale skin, Ronald McDonald lips, and a nose someone stepped on--bit me in the neck three times. I went to a friend and asked if I could borrow her copy a second time. I'm told this affliction is common among women my age.

Just finished Perez Hilton's book--very intelligent. I need to go hunt celebrities this weekend. Where to go? I see enough without trying (more than enough would require tranquilizers) but I never go out in search. Time to turn over a new leaf. What else am I going to do with my free time--read?

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