Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thank You For Being a Friend

Dish celebrates the life of Bea Arthur and blessings on her coming and going. Maude, The Golden Girls, Mame, what wasn't there to love about this tall, boozy-voiced broad? It's shocking that she's now gone.

You know when you do something that you know will open a can of worms but do it anyway? Yeah, that's me, though I'm counting on the universe to lead me back to healthy behavior. Am trying to add purpose to my life and reverse my karma by doing as many favors as possible (if you haven't received a hat, booties, baby blankets, house-cleaning, or a scarf, just wait), though this often runs counter to rage at being a pushover. We're all a work in progress.

The celebrity du jour: the Swine Flu. When I heard of a potential pandemic, I immediately thought I might have symptoms. Then again, it's hot out and I ran 3.5 miles. My back aches because I'm not supposed to run and the chills come from the ice mask I placed my eyes to reduce puffiness. Any future queasiness comes from inhaling this afternoon's duck fat, sauerkraut, and sausage -- typical piggy Dish fare. Work in progress.


Anonymous said...

There's so much packed in you blog today. Duck fat? Booties? And the wonderful Bea Arthur. RIP--a great loss.

John Haracopos said...

So sorry to hear about Miss Arthur's passing but happy to learn about it from the DishGirl and her beautiful words.