Thursday, August 05, 2010

Daddy Issues

When you have a daddy who's an a-hole, the best revenge is SUCCESS. It is an uphill battle, but everything you achieve is yours. Deadbeat Dads don't deserve any recognition and I hope Rudy's daughter can overcome this. Though between you and me, I TOTALLY get stealing from Sephora. They have the best makeup.

The end of an era: Mary Hart leaving entertainment television. What a fixture. I do like Lara Spencer and it's rumored she might take over. Particularly enjoyed Lara's stint on Kathy Griffin. Lara is an anchorwoman AND obsessed with design!

As TG is out, I'm secretly watching The Real Housewives of D.C. What a bunch of low-lifes--except for the black couple. They seem to have some integrity. Maybe not enough to refuse to do reality TV. Yes, I'd do it if asked...AND FOR FREE.

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