Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Courtney Cox and David Arquette are splitsville! It's an epidemic--shedding skin and forming new alliances. I've waited eons for Courtney to be done with D. He reminds me of some my former students who stared into space due to excessive amounts of Mary Jane. I envision her beating him every day for being a dumbass. Dish wishes them well in their new skins.

Also splitting is Christina Aguilera from her no-name husband--just in time for the opening of Burlesque, which looks horrendously bad. I mean, I'd rather it be a movie called Cher. Christina's got great pipes but why would you put Cher with anyone but Cher? Dishbrother was in close proximity to Cher in the movie Faithful (with Chazz Palmient???ri or Joe Montegna, as they're interchangeable). Remember that one? Yeah, it's so bad, not even Cher or DB could save it.

TG is watching Evan Almighty--God help him.

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