Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And the Nominees Are...

...not surprising, especially that Leonardo DiCaprio was shut out yet again! Why oh why, though, are there so many Best Picture nominees? Is it to please the whole child? Is this the new No Film Left Behind program? BARF!

Speaking of which...we're feeling better. Fever gone down but for a good day I was like Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility--sweating and pale after Willoughby spurns her advances.

As I convalesced, I watched the following:

Untouchable: The Drew Peterson Story--Worst thing Rob Lowe has ever done. He should never have quit The West Wing.

Sexting in Suburbia
--Teen girl texts her naked self to ahole BF and it spreads. Bullying ensues, she hangs herself, Mom is pissed. Unwatchable!

I Don't Know How She Does It: SJP is a delight and lights up a screen. The message, however, is that stay-at-home moms suck and worker-moms are the real heroes of parenting. I was pissed and I don't have kids. Great minor roles played by Olivia Munn, Pierce Brosnan and Christina Hendricks.

Anderson: Anderson Cooper's talk show on "Purity balls". Worth it just to hear him keep saying "Purity balls" and "balls."

Learned also that Tim Gunn has been celibate for 29 years. No wonder he gets so much done!!!

Last bit from the Perez Hilton. Dish is also on Team Joan, forever:

1 comment:

HersheyKiss said...

We're delighted that Dish and TG have recovered!