Saturday, January 28, 2012

Donkey Sperm--Take Two

There's a chance that Fear Factor episode may be pulled due to outrage for donkeys. So many questions here. Why not use human sperm? In large quantities, this could be deemed highly disgusting especially if mixed with urine. Why not just eat sh*t? Please, Fear Factor. Sh*t hurts no one the way donkey sperm does. I still want to know how they got the donkeys to ejaculate. It was Lindsay's Playboy spread, wasn't it?

I'm digging here. All I can find for news--aside from anchorman Greg Kelly being accused of rape which I'm avoiding--is that Demi Moore might have a Red Bull addiction. Like Red Bull instead of food, which is a little like the Dish diet of Diet Coke in large quantities and nothing else. The problem is that I can't stick to my diet the way Demi can, which is why I'm not a star. Yet. I might have to go on this diet next week. Stay tuned for details.

Oh wait, there is Mary Hamer, guardian angel to convicted murderer Joran van der Sloot. She made her second appearance on Anderson this week and seemed just as insane (but fabulous television). Her reasoning for taking on this cause makes no sense aside from Desperate Woman Syndrome (I hate that I wrote that but it's written all over her face). And while she preaches peace and rehabilitation of a murderer, her facial expression conveys something positively demonic and rage-filled. Somehow, I'm sure, this all relates to donkey sperm.

Insomnia struck again and I made the colossal mistake of watching the pilot for Prison Break. Now I'm hooked. We know why. Because it's a little gay--as gay as Fox will allow--and I'm still mourning the end of Queer As Folk (7 years now). The acting/writing is not mind-blowing but I. Don't. Care.

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