Saturday, January 07, 2012

Kristy McNichol Comes Out!

Kristy was my idol growing up. I wanted to be her so badly, even through the Empty Nest years. The awesome part was that I was a tomboy and had her coloring so I might have pulled off a Kristy-transformation if I'd had a different nose, mouth, eyes and body frame. She's been out of the news for twenty years but now has come out of the closet after this epidemic of fatal bullying incidents. Go, Kristy! And please get back on TV as the bubbly sister.

Another idol is Mindy Kaling who stars and writes for The Office. Her autobiography Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns)? is a fresh and entertaining read. Plus, because she's young, so it's really short, therefore easy on the attention span. Now I love her even more.

Other news: Josh Lucas is engaged and Paula Abdul split with her beau and Chaz wants to buy a penis. An epic day.

Today marks a real anniversary for Dish. 21 years ago, I had a brush with death thanks to random violence. I'm grateful to be alive. The body remembers and I'm a little jittery of late. But having TG home again makes everything sparkly and fun. He is a joy.

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