Monday, March 29, 2010

Ricky Martin Is Gay, Dish Is a Cupcakeosexual!

It's not a big surprise or a burning issue that Ricky Martin is now out to the world. The real problem is that TG refuses to believe it, even though RM said as much on his website.

So Happy Passover! Dish ruined her celebration by eating a levened bagel, spaghetti, and a cupcake (I exercised). I'll make up for it by hitting the gefilte fish hard.


HersheyKiss said...

Oh my, what a shock. (yawn) I do understand Ricky's prior reluctance to burst through the hinges given his long, illustrious career in the Spanish-speaking world. I wish him all the best!

Anonymous said...

Gefilte fish forever.

Anonymous said...

TG is on to something. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt in order to sell more vinyl, be it vinyl pants or whatever. RM exudes virility.

Sam said...

TG is totally off track. Ricky is as gay as Rufus Wainwright singing Judy Garland at Carnegie Hall.

And next year, I hear he'll be livin' Evita loco as he plays Che Guavara on Bway in the sure-to-be-entertaining-but-in-what-way-is-unclear revival.

And he's writing his memoirs.

So someone needed publicity. I'm just sayin'...