Sunday, March 29, 2009

Extra extra

I shouldn't say this, but I will. Dishbrother saw Duplicity and thinks Julia may have had work done. Something was different, around the eyes perhaps because one of them droops. I've memorized every inch of that woman's face so I would notice. Dish is armed to see the flick next weekend. I'll get to the bottom of these vicious rumors I'm starting. Not even our Julia is immune to the pressure of plastic surgery. Who's next? Dish?

I am watching The Main Event, which was excellent when I was 11. Now I have no idea what was so fascinating about multiple shots of Barbra stretching, butt to the camera, that huge mop of hair and Ryan O'Neal's implausibility as a boxer. Will that stop me from watching the whole thing?


Anonymous said...

Paragraph 1. It can't be true. What is the evidence.

Paragraph 2. I hope so

Dish said...

1: I'm looking through pictures and thinking that she might just be too skinny. Her cheekbones become more pronounced each yeare. Once I see the flick on the big screen, I will know if she's had work.
2. :(