Sunday, July 19, 2009

Putting Off Unpacking!

Dish is home after four fabulous days in D.C. (but happy to no longer be submerged in a stinky hotel room that smelled like Dishfather's towels after thirty years of usage). My thoughts--still sad about Cronkite though already sick of repetitive coverage. Yes, he was saintly, "And that's the way it is...". Do something different, TV stations, and talk about his bowel movements! Be bold and mix it up.

Yesterday, I watched The 40-Year-Old Virgin and my inexplicable girl crush on Jane Lynch flared to life once again. I must have all her movies. After this revelation, I continued to admire Colin Hanks's stellar performance in Mad Men. Nepotism keeps Hollywood afloat. Everyone gets famous through a relative yet Colin earns his right to be on screen. I predict, he'll be better than his father.

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