Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Dish leaves for Maine tomorrow with the cast of Cocoon. No, really, it's just a family vacation, which to most would mean A Week Behind Bars. I'm lucky to be related to a flock of fun-loving party animals. They shop, they chillax, they do lattes, they gorge on all the wrong things and drink like fishes. I'll be the goody-goody of the bunch (though I did pack a bikini). Just as long as no one winds up in the hospital, it'll be great. The night before I travel, Steven Seagal appears in some form. This evening, he is magically on AMC in Out for Justice, where he dons a beret and a NY accent.

Will the celebrity deaths ever end? Karl Malden has left this earth at 97, before he had time to accomplish anything in his short life. Sigh. I just watched him as the molesting father of Babs in Nuts. I'll miss his cute bulbous honker.

1 comment:

dm said...

The plan is to convert Dish to the old folks' way of life.