Saturday, November 21, 2009

Star Sighting--Dan Abrams

1:41 pm, Greenwich Avenue and 7th: Fresh from bonding with a baby who is now my BFF, Dish strolled home and saw Mr. Cute-Legal-Boy-Turned-MSNBC-Host-Who-Yells-Turned-Something-Else looking mighty scruffy. We locked eyes but Dish didn't feel it was a romantic connection. Maybe on his end because how could he help himself?

Alas, DA, I'm devoted to TG. 25 more days until I meet his plane at JFK.

Haircut appointment with JJ-Check
Makeup and adorable airport outfit chosen-Check
Voucher for car-Check
Book to pretend to read while waiting for TG's plane-Check
Inspirational Duran Duran playlist on iPod-Check


HersheyKiss said...

I just don't get the "I'm too awesome to shave" look, particularly on Dan A. He looks like he's strung out! Shave, Dan, shave. You don't look cool. My grandfather used to call days when he wouldn't shave "go to hell day". Dan looks like he's been to hell and back. Grow a beard, or shave it .. no in betweens.

Dish said...

I usually never say this for old men (though Dish might be older than Dan--too scared to verify), but he needed a dye job. I feel the same way about the scruff. Unless he's Indiana Jones in the jungle, shave it. It gives Dish a rash.

HersheyKiss said...

While we're on the subject -- and KissSideKick bought a new supply of fermented cactus juice this evening, so Kiss is on FIRE -- what I really don't fathom is the pretty boys who shave every single hair that nature intended to be in place but leave a 1-2 day growth on the face. Guacala. Get real. Find a pattern and stick to it. Sheesh.

Dish said...

Dish is about to open up scotch, so I raise a glass to that comment HersheyKiss!