Thursday, November 05, 2009

Subjects That Don't Interest Our Favorite Hairguru

...but he'll forgive me since I just made an appointment for him to cut, dye and abuse me! World Series Win: Yay! I didn't really watch because the Yankees always lose otherwise. I might have done a little flipping back and forth last night, relieved when Hideki smacked the holy bejesus out of that ball. And then there's Joe Girardi: If you're going to get rid of Joe Torre, Girardi is an inspired pick. Not only did he win the World Series but he helped a woman who'd been in a car crash mere hours after the win. Best of all, he makes his players run laps. I love it when multi-gazillionaires have to work. How the Military Can Make You Crazy: All prayers and blessings to the families in the Fort Hood shootings today.

Who cares about celebrities when there are so many people in this world who need real help? I'm taking the day off. But bear in mind, Dish has a front-row seat at the Yankee parade tomorrow. I want to see Derek Jeter's pores. Well, not really. Am over him since 2000.

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