Friday, January 22, 2010

Because I Care

Tonight is George Clooney's Haiti Telethon at 8pm on every station. I'm pretty sure he did the 9/11 telethon, too. I wanna watch but the shame I feel is too great: I'd be watching for the wrong reasons. Plus, I talked with someone DEEPLY immersed in Hollywood and she told me my chances of talking with a celeb during the telethon are 0%. During the 9/11 telethon, I salivated as I watched the stars talk to the little people on the phone. They seemed highly entertained, exchanging yarns and jokes. I'd get over my phone-hatred if Jack Nicholson were on the other line. Should I watch or will the pain of not speaking to an actual star be too difficult?

I should be more altruistic but I already donated to Haiti (and it's a tax-writeoff so I might donate more). Moreover, I'm open to adopting a Haitian orphan but TG says no.


Anonymous said...

What does TG have against orphans?

Dish said...

He doesn't like kittens or puppies either!