Saturday, January 30, 2010

Here's the Problem

We're going backwards and it's not a pretty sight. Claire Danes always runs the risk of uglifying herself, and she is a pretty, pretty girl (homewrecker). In Temple Grandin, she plays the renowned animal expert who has made lemonade of her autism. I can anticipate my future hate-emails but this reminds me of the moment in Tropic Thunder when Robert Downey Jr. told Ben Stiller that Simple Jack failed because he went "full retard." Does Claire do the same? It *is* all about the awards and how "out there" you pretend to be. Because acting is "attracting," I have a hard time believing Claire will win awards for this. The hair is a little Amelia-esque; Claire needs to watch she doesn't go Swank on her looks. I, for one, am sick of Hollywood's awe of niche roles like this, how they blow the characters' experiences into simple sentimental doody that doesn't begin to capture the real story. It's not enough to be an average Dish (except I have double-jointed thumbs). Of course, I haven't seen it and I mean no offense whatsoever to Dr. Grandin. I base this on how much the movie poster made me yak into the toilet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hollywood IS doody.