Tuesday, January 05, 2010

First Lesbian Dream of 2010!

I've been blessed by the best! I blame this dream on the flannel elephant sheets. Picture it: midnight as Dish mingles with a crowd of revelers. Madonna was in that group and she had her pre-Raphaelite hair circa 1996. Everyone got to kiss her goodbye. Then came Dish's turn. It was the kiss of the century, one I'd remember forever. I secretly hoped someone was taking pics so I'd wind up in the tabloids. Madonna broke away, seeming disturbed. I felt content that I'd jolted the superstar. Madonna loves Dish! As I skipped down the subway steps, I wondered how many hours of sleep I'd get before work. When I woke up, TG was wearing a long curly blond wig.

Dish has ordered her outrageously expensive copy of Falling for Gracie, directed by and starring Fay Ann Lee and Dish's *former* imaginary boyfriend Gale Harold. If you go to www.fallingforgracie.com and order before February 5th, you might get a personal message from the director. Dish is ECSTATIC!


Anonymous said...

How much did you pay for the Falling for Grace DVD? I pre-ordered mine from Tower Records and it was only $14, total came to $16. And it gives a supposed release date of Jan 12.

Dish said...

Ack! I paid twice that amount. Dish got swindled! The key is whether you receive yours on time.

Anonymous said...

why is Gale your "former" imaginary bf?

Anonymous said...

cause he broke up with her to go out with me!

Anonymous said...

that rascal!

Anonymous said...

True, that's why I said a "supposed" release date. lol Although, I heard that people who ordered it from CD Universe receieved word their order has just been shipped out. So no clue why if you order it from the FFG site it says Feb.

Anonymous said...

if u order the dvd from the ffg site, you get a chance to win stuff, like a necklace given to Grace from Andrew or jeans Gale wore (basically stuff from the movie) and other things like signed dvds and posters. I want 2 win sumthin, which is why i'll be orderin from the site :)!

Dish said...

Anonymouses: Well, Gale just told me today that he wants to be my imaginary bf agains so he brokes up with all-a-yas to return to Dish! ;) Just Kidding! (not really--Dish will always love the magic that is Gale!)

Dish ordered from FFG site to get personalized note from director. Star-Whore FOREVER!

Anonymous said...

too ay un or, may say byen.

Anonymous said...