Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fast Times at JJ High

Dish went to get cut/dyed and now looks fabulous. JJ and I discussed all the important things of life:

How awesome Damages is this third season
How much we hate Martin Short but JJ thinks he's amazing on Damages
Ellen Degeneres's face lift and when we think she got it
Sandra Bullock--face work or no? Yes, we think some Botox
Nicole Kidman: Men at Work on that face even though she denied it
How awful Chloe is, with 45 minutes of Julianne Moore and Amanda Siegfried having sex and who cares? Love Julianne Moore personally.
We admitted that even though we think Mel Gibson is a deplorable person, he's incredibly talented (and gay, Dish thinks)

We discussed Larry King and how Viagra has made it possible for old coots to get laid indefinitely. Not sure this is a good thing. Some need to put theirs in storage.

TG met JJ and had this to say about my hairguru, "He's everything I expected and more. (Does this merit a 15% discount?)"


John Haracopos said...

You Forgot Colin Frissell...

Dish said...

And he's got a very big noooooobbbbbbb!

dm said...

DM misses JJ and of course TG

Anonymous said...

Sandra--definitely botox