Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rest in Peace, Celeste Holm!

When you watch All About Eve, the eyes usually remain fixed on Bette Davis or that wretched Anne Baxter (oh, Moses, Moses!). I salivated over Bette, too, yet Celeste's part hit very close to home. In this flick, she didn't fling the juiciest lines or chomp scenery, but remained a distant observer, a witness to greatness which distinguished her in a different way. She was the wise, cool cucumber. Throughout her film career, Celeste was such an underachiever, starring in many classics including High Society, All About Eve, lots of theater and sh*tty but awesome TV. She won a best support actress Oscar for Gentlemen's Agreement, and she was married 5 times. That's a lot of life in 95 years.

In less interesting news, basketball player Jason Kidd was arrested for being soused behind the wheel. SMART. But then athletes don't get paid to use their brains (unless perhaps fencing, tennis and wrestling, which TG says requires a modicum of intelligence).

The Sage Stallone autopsy is underway. Thanks for sharing! FYI--after decades of analysis, I know that star-autopsies are always done 24 hours before they say they're going to do them. So, as I sit stuffing my face with chocolate mousse cake and trying out my new hotsy totsy Goody headbands, Sage is getting his organs weighed. Oh God, I've read too much Scarpetta. I mean no disrespect to the Stallone family. This is very sad to me.

The cosmos gifted Dish with a nice birthday present: Six inches of Duran Duran on Page Six.


DBH said...

Loved her on All About Eve!!

Dish said...

Wasn't she so great and mellow?