Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hee hee

Dish's grandfather had sickle cell anemia, ergo, Dish is black. To tame my unruly mane, I searched out special hair products with "sistah" in the title and EUREKA! A brilliant straightening cream.

So now my hair is ready for tonight's juicy lineup: a new Law & Order: SVU and I'm guessing it's about rape. Which brings me to MacKenzie Phillips, that poor girl. She needs the fast track to Fantasy Island where someone can give her massages and feed her chocolate for the rest of her life. Some souls have gone through too much suffering. Back to main point, which is the premiere of Eastwick-- could be sh*t-tastic--at 10pm. Dish loves wicca so I'm there with my pentacle necklace, black cape and Egyptian musk incense.

What else in the news: that damn Kadafi and his tent on The Combover Donald's land. Since no one wants a terrorist in our country (because the U.S. has never terrorized any other nation and W. was so not a terrorist himself), maybe Kadafi needs to rent airspace, three feet above land. I can see him floating around on a Jetson's fuel pack.

Courtney Cox is in Cougartown tonight where she plays a 40-year-old. I won't smirk. Really I won't. Dish is 32! Okay, back to severe exercise regime since I totally failed on my Tori Spelling diet. Cannot resist the pumpkin scones at Starbucks. Must live now. That goes for the rest of you.


HersheyKiss said...

Cougartown was crappola town. The piece of crap that preceded it was even worse. Good thing they cancel inteligently written shows like Pushing Daisies to put on this horse manure. We watched the Brady Bunch on TVLand.

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin products at Starbucks are very good. Maybe less so now that they post the calorie count. However, the best product is gingerbread once the holiday season rolls around.

Dish said...

Gingerbread lattes!!!! Can't WAIT!