Friday, September 04, 2009

Star Sighting: Courtney Love

In front of Barney's Coop, 3:10: Freshly disgusting from the gym, Dish walked by this darling blond woman in black who was close-talking with a male friend. She had large blue eyes and, though teenagerish, seemed worn out by life. I will take her hard-partying vibe with me as I go out to my local watering hole where I will drink maybe a tablespoon of scotch.

(I'm sure Courtney will stab me in my sleep now)


HersheyKiss said...

She's worn out indeed, in all the right places. Guacala. I would have vomicked. She doesn't deserve to share a sidewalk with Dish.

Dish said...

She looked about 12 and 90 at the same time. Very strange. Have you ever read her blog? She's pretty illiterate. Such a tortured soul. Think she was a decent actress about 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

totally gross photo. How can Dish share her blog with surgical freaks?

HersheyKiss said...
