Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wear Red More Often

To seem more intelligent, I'm watching Obama's health care speech and I have some deep thoughts:

He's got cojones to take on this issue with media and Repubs lazily kicking and screaming the whole way through. Change is scary, you bloated elephants. Well, hello, change is what's needed! (will get off political soapbox--it's giving me a massive wedgie!) Dish doesn't want to pay 200$ for a pap smear.

Hillary looks fab in red, like a big bowl of cherries. I wish I could hear her speak for she is music to my ears with her straight talking manner and informed content. I enjoy that her huge Red Light District suit makes her stand out in the audience. She can chuck the blue. Pelosi is also wearing red, the little vixen. By contrast, Michelle sports Legally Blond pink. Political fashions are excellent.

I'm getting a lot out of this speech. Rah rah, public option! Where are my snacks? Oh right, Tori Spelling Diet...


Anonymous said...

Dish is the best political commentator of all times. Perhaps she should also have a political blog.

Dish said...

You may be right. Thanks for the compliment!