Thursday, October 08, 2009

Back To Work!

Dish has a four-day weekend sort of but is determined to work, work, work. Clean out closets (to make room), sweep and dust, not obsess or sit staring dreamily at the walls. Get back to the gym and sit butt in chair to work. Cannot let the brain deteriorate!

But first...I got sidetracked by Drew Barrymore and first Dishgirlcrush ever, Jessica Lange, in Grey Gardens. I'm used to Drew-fare, her youth-of-today affectations and fun spirit. Then she goes and shocks me by ACTING. I've never not loved Drew but now I respect her even more. While only half an hour through, I'm awed by her performance. Aside: Not that this is news, but I'm one step away from having a million cats, skull-cap and empty pizza boxes strewn over my apartment. Those crazy b*tches are hitting below the belt.

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