Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dish walked in the door after a weekend of traveling so not much to say. They showed I Hate Valentine's Day AGAIN going East--and on a different airline! I told everyone in my row not to watch because it's the worst movie ever made next to Gigli. On my layover in Houston, I bargained with a young salesboy to sell me The Sweetest Thing for 5$, reasoning it was worth 5$ but not 12$. The boy agreed and that's what I watched instead. The Sweetest Thing is a vulgar chick flick, but I adore that Christina Applegate.


HersheyKissenstein said...

Does The Sweetest Thing feature Dish? That would make it worth far more than $5. Check you out, finangling and bargaining. One would think that Dish is becoming ... even more spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Dish could become a personal shopper.

Dish said...

Hershey: TG was very proud of my bargaining.

Anonymous: I could definitely be a personal movie shopper. If you are in a certain mood, I could find exactly what you need.