Saturday, October 03, 2009

She's a Super Freak But We Like Her That Way

Movie Rule #1: If you move to the country with Dakota Fanning, you're f*cked. Watch Hide and Seek (2005) during the day and you won't be scared. In fact, SPOILER ALERT, the twist in this movie is predictable, especially if you're well-versed in M. Night Shamalan Plot Twist 101. I was a little embarrassed the producers let the writer get away with it. And shame on Bobby De Niro for getting involved, though he'll do anything for a buck. The best part was Dakota and her freaky blue-eyed stare. She is so the roughed up girl on SVU who's been touched inappropriately, the orphan who turns into a rabid wolf and claws your babies and eats them, the adorable girl who stabs you in the middle of the night. Dish has developed an admiration for her (to go with fear) because this girl hasn't cracked yet. No virginity talk, no heroin shooting, no doobie smoking, no tripping drunk in front of paparazzi and Dakota hasn't flashed her fanning anywhere. She just acts. Yay, Dakota!

In New Moon, it seems she's turned into a woman overnight and now has jugs. This scares me even more.

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