Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What If...

1. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck accidentally kissed?
2. We paid a little extra for health care?
3. Dish smoked one eensie weenie filterless cigarette?
4. Lady Gaga ruled the world?
5. Obama repealed the Don't Ask, Don't Tell rule and let gays marry?
6. Cougartown went off the air?
7. Dish didn't go to the gym today?
8. Gerard Butler showed a little more frontal nudity in his movies?

Would any of this be so bad????

Dish is off to see Surrogates, starring the human eraser Bruce Willis. More and more, I get the urge take his head to my manuscripts and rub off my pencil mistakes. Hoping the flick is not a piece of congealed piss one might find in Dishkitty's litterbox.


md said...

Is Dish actually leaving her apartment for a movie theater?

Dish said...

Yes! But it's kinda by force. By the way, md, guess who just received The Proposal? YAY! GIRLY FUN TIME!

HersheyKiss said...

OMG, you will soooo enjoy Ryan Reynolds in the buff! I'm envious!

HersheyKissberg said...

By the by, wishes really do come true. No sooner had I publicly contemplated Jason Bateman's lack of glimpses then out comes Couples Retreat where he disrobes. I know from the commercials that we see his chest, and while it's not amazingly spectacular, on him it's as cute as can be.

Dish said...

You see, when Dish sends out the naked Jason Bateman energy into the universe, things happen.