Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baggage Handling

Dish is trying to lose weight (though my body mass is fine, I'm a girl and starvation is the law) so today for lunch, I ordered the Brian Kinney special: Turkey on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato and mustard. Okay, and swiss cheese to pay homage to my ancestry. How I wish I could have a lemon bar, too, like the kind Debbie served up at the Liberty Diner.


Anonymous said...

I thought I'd stop in and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog.

Steel Magnolias would have been so much better without Julia Roberts. We love ourselves some Weezie.


Dish said...

Thanks for reading, Erin! While I adore Julia (and understand not everyone does), I live for Weezie.

Cheers and mint juleps to you!