Monday, September 15, 2008

Blame It on the Full Moon

Poor Wall Street took a beating today. I feel bad for those seriously affected (uh, maybe our whole country?) and my retirement/401K is probably in the crapper for all eternity. In times like these, you wanna talk to a finance wizard. Someone maybe like Chris Potter, who before hunking up film and TV was involved in international money stuff. I always love it when people change careers. Look at Jesus, he was a carpenter before he became God. Random related note: Chris shared the screen with our beloved GH on QAF, though he didn't have enough swish for me to believe. I'm sure Jesus wasn't perfect at everything either. He probably wasn't that good at sports.

ps. Saw Julia Roberts on Page Six today and her cheeks are caves in which you could build a cozy bonfire. Dish must get thinner immediately (she says as she eats Ghirardelli dark chocolate with mint filling)!

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