Thursday, May 07, 2009

Cheesecake Needed!

I've been sick today, mostly with fear. You see...Dish dropped her laptop. The screen shattered. It's the second computer I've destroyed in a month. My new computer arrived last night. I spent four hours on the phone with IT geeks. Finally, one switch and it works. Dish is saved. I immediately inhaled a cheeseburger after a long food fast and baggy pants. Hollywood would be proud of my willpower.

So now I can say: Keifer Sutherland should quit drinking and head-butting (Julia Roberts SO dodged a bullet), I don't care that Meredith Grey is marrying McWetDreamy, why is Kirstie Alley still discussing her fat when she could be joining Mia Farrow on a hunger strike for Darfur, Elizabeth Edwards should quit talking about the affair in public and blaming the other woman since her husband cheated as well and life is too short to dwell on idiots, leave the bastard who only shows up to run for office and I have nothing to wear tomorrow because I'm too lazy to iron.


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