Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Coiffure Conundrum

Big dilemma--should Dish get all her hair cut off like Meg Ryan did after Sleepless in Seattle, like Felicity in Felicity which doomed the show, like Winona Ryder after she discovered she was a little boy, like Posh Spice after she got Beckammed, like Katie Holmes after she got Cruised? The danger: if unchecked, I could look like Cosmo Kramer (see photos of Dish at 5) and not Annette Bening in The American President. It's a fine line between Adorable Do and Worst Mistake Ever.


HersheyKiss said...

An adorable do on adorable you would be simply ... splendid! I have full faith in your abilities to update the dazzle.

Dish said...

You're a sweetheart, HersheyKiss. While Annette is gorgeous with short hair, I have decided to let her work it and grow mine out even more.