Saturday, March 03, 2012

My Sunday Confessions

1. Billy Bob Thornton is one of my favorite actors/writers. I don't care how crazy he might be. Slingblade did nothing for me, but I adore everything else he's done. He's a brilliant talent. Last night, I skillfully manipulated TG into watching Love Actually. I'd tried once last year and failed, my powers of persuasion not yet strong enough. TG still loathed the movie and I wasn't so moved by it either after the 327th time. Billy Bob, though, was so wonderfully creepy. What the hell is he doing these days?

2. I am happy overall, with one cosmic worry. It comes about when I realize I'm in the same place--in some respects--as I was fifteen years ago, which means I might be a loser. This is *not* what my mother taught me and when I see others going through similar, often worse periods, it seems universal. I'm not plagued by my potential Loserdom. This condition is the failing of Generation X and Y. I'm sure my mother's generation didn't stop to consider this. They just kept going and doing.


HersheyKiss said...

Never a loser, always a delight!

DM said...

If memory serves, Dish was just getting a low level job with her employer and has since risen. Add to that, building relationships, writing novels, starting a blog attractive to tens of thousands, and charming the world (not to mention TG).
Or is Dish referring to the fact that after fifteen years she still loves Duran Duran, the stars, and Antoine the Lothario? Is that her definition of loser?

Dish said...

Thanks, Mom and Hershey! Rush Limbaugh is the only real loser these days but every now and then I have a moment. Doesn't everyone?

Anonymous said...

Since Dish is all about the "stars," might she not reflect on the hundreds of star losers to get a little sanity on this matter?